Monday, 15 December 2014

Symbolism and Colour


Colour is another part to symbolism as it can reperest different things and gives art work it's symbolism though the colour theory.  Colour can represt a meaning, gender has a colour representation and age.

Looking at symbolism and colour.  Thought i'd pick an illustrator i inspire Jack Teagle.

Shown below an example of Jack Teagles work.  The first bit of symbolism on there is that there are peopl and superheros.   I like the colour pallute jack teagle uses in particular the flat colour backgrounds Jack Teagle uses.  Which fit in good with his block colour style.   On the right is some of Jack Teagles comic work.  Which Jack Teagle uses a lot of black and white amongst his style in his comics.  The Symbolism of the comic image is 2 weirid charactors fighting in a storm.  Like the use of black and white on that image.  And i like were jack teagle has given the symbol of the storm by using smoogey watercolour paint to make the symbol of clouds off different shades.
Figure 1                                                                                Figure 2 

Katy Dobson 

Another artist that uses quite a lot of colour in her work is Katy Dobson.  The Colour use on Katy's work represents gender by.  The use of colourful mixed oil paint.  Were it is normally female artists use bright colours.   Katy uses colours in the way of representing the symbolic atmosphere of the situation.  Like on figure 3 were it is horses running out of water Katy has used shades of blue from light to dark to represent the splashes from the horses running in water.  

kjd3  kjd5
                         Figure 3                                                                     Figure 4 


Figure 1 -    15/12/14

Figure 2 -    15/12/14

Figure 3 -      15/12/14  

Figure 4 -       15/12/14

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Gendering the image

Gendering my own work:-

Gendering that my work represents it's a males work and not a females.  The use of black black ink is mostly used by males.  Were i normally imagine girls work as bright and colorful.  And the things and the tools i use for drawing are different in ways to which some females would use.  Such as shapie pens you tend to see more male illustrators use sharpie pens than females.  I normally see femlaes work mostly colourful but not always and more females tend to use pencil or paint more often. 

On my work how I could visualize that it is been done by a male.   Which is a tricky task because it my own work and that is a hard comment to assist on making because it's what i'd visualise on what i could imagine others thinking or going though there mind when they see my work from 3rd person point of view.   I could visualise that people think my work has been done by a male by how crowded and full my work is.   My sketchbooks being a mess and thick bold line.  Were most females would be more organised in there sketchbook and have things tidier.   

My Graphic novel work has standing out to be a males due to most the work being big.  And more importantly on the graphic novel side is the language and humor used.  Which you can imagine from a males graphic novel there would be a few swear words because it used to be said that males swear more than females.   

Few examples of my own work!!!!

A spread in my sketchbook


After gendering my own work.  The conclusion i'd give is that when people look at some work there would first more just admire the work and then maybe start thinking who it was done by.  People debate on how I have gendered my work, if i was to stand up and talk about that I would get the comments such as.  "i use sharpies and i'm a girl"  and people would start naming female artists who work in similar ways to me such as colour etc.   Which in ways guessing the work has been done by one sex can somtimes be wrong.