- The anciant egyptiants had started of there visual communication by believeing the human figure could be made an image of. The anciant egyptians had started forming the shape of the human figure. There had done this by carving the human figure into stone. There also made the human figure out of making stone scultures such as tutankhamun who was an egyptian pharoh.
- in the anicaint egyptian days the human figure which showing there image of there pharohs and gods
- One of the most famous religious aspects of belief is the Pyramids. Which were built to bury the pharoahs in. These Pyramaids are based in the city of Giza and it is what makes the city of Giza famous. These Pyramaids were estimated to be built in year ten thousand five hundred B.C.
- The pyramaids is known as one of the 7 wonders of the world
- Khufu’s is the name for the pyramid which is nick named the great pyramid. With this pyramid’s size being seven hundred and fifty six feet long on each side and four hundred and fifty feet high. And is estimated to have been built with around two million three hundred thousand blocks of stone. And the ancient Egyptians had used measurements to get the blocks of stones cut accurately and on no side is more than 8 inches different.
- this is a tutankhmn sculture which tutankhmun whcih is known to be the ninth wonder of the world
- Tutankhmun was a king of egypt for 10 years
- Tutankhmun is one of the most well known egyptian pharoahs in this present day
- Tutankhmun was burried in a tomb coffin with the bobies of two stillborn baby girls
- Tutankhmun always wore the mask and never showed his hair